Review the team’s purpose, current goals, and high-level data (8 mins)
Are we seeing progress faster or slower than we expected?
What are the one or two main reasons to explain the data we see?
Discuss improvement project #1 (12 mins)
Project Lead provides 5-minute update on activities underway, emphasizing tests or experiments
Review data collected for this project, which may be recorded in the Improvement Project Tracker
Plan the next action. Consider some of these questions to guide the conversation:
If the project is meeting our objectives, what action can we take to spread the success?
If it is not going according to plan, what should we learn from the unexpected results? What will we do differently in the next week, and what can we try differently to fulfill the project's objectives? What resources or support can we offer the Project Lead?
Do we need support from our coach or another resource to make this project successful?
What must be done to wind down the project by the scheduled end date, and do any arrangements need to be made so that some pieces continue or are made permanent?
Discuss improvement project #2 (12 mins)
Discuss improvement project #3 (12 mins)
Decide what comes next - Pass around the Red Ball (12 mins)
If a project will end in the next month, how much closer has it brought us to functional zero? Given what we've learned, what improvement project(s) do we now expect will move us significantly closer to functional zero? Is it necessary to run a tweaked version of one of these projects to scale the improvement across our community?
What is the next improvement project, and who will lead it? When will they share that plan with this team?
What should we improve about this meeting the next time we hold it?