
The Anchor Community Initiative Resource Hub is a collection of resources, tools and case studies to help you use data to end youth and young adult homelessness in your community.

ACI Action Planning Guide

Summer 2024 Learning Session

Baseline steps

Ⅰ. Choose your focus areas

Identify 2-3 areas of your system (System Redesign Menu on Pg. 2 as resource) that you want to focus - Let’s make [insert focus are here] the system of our dreams.

Things to consider:

  • What is feasible in 6 months? Trying to do too much might end up with no pieces of your system fully redesigned

  • What would have the most impact on your system? Where are the pain points/opportunities?

Ⅱ. Answer Key questions

For each focus area, consider:

  • What are we trying to accomplish?

  • How would we know if we succeeded?

  • How will we measure that?

  • Who needs to be a part of this work, and who can take a step back this cycle?

  • This can be done all together or in smaller breakouts

Ⅲ. Make a Project Plan

For each focus area, consider: What are the big parts of this focus area that need attention? What needs to be functioning better to be the [system area] of our dreams? 

Using flip charts or stickies, identify the big tasks and milestones that need to happen, by when, between now and 6 months from now.

Ⅳ. Reflect together

  • What are we doing?

  • Is this necessary and sufficient? 

  • Have you accounted for racial and LGBTQ equity?

  • Where are young people showing up?

  • Does this make us excited

After the Learning Session

As a Team, what is your plan to carry the inspiration and plans from the Learning Session forward to your community? Be specific and explicit!

Leadershift Teams: it is your responsibility to figure out what the overall goal is with/for your community (set that Reducing goal, friends!) and get the buy-in you need. Connect with your Coaches for scheming support, as needed!

ACI System Redesign Menu

This Menu lays out some key parts of community homelessness response systems to consider for Reducing.

As a community, think about:

  • Where do you want to focus* your energy?

  • Are you going to go broad or deep?

  • What could be different if you spend the next 3-6 months focusing on designing a couple of parts of your system to be the best they could be?

  • What about _____ do you want to improve or change? 

  • How would you/will you know what happens? 

*We recommend picking 2-3 focus areas and put your energy into fully redesigning them

System Focus Areas - Let’s build the [insert here] system of our dreams.

  1. Case Conferencing

  2. Emergency Response (street outreach and shelter continuum) 

  3. Coordinated Entry

  4. Expanding and establishing youth power

  5. Expanded housing options

  6. Housing programs

  7. Systems of Care Coordinated Response: 

    a. Tribes

    b. Schools

    c. Child Welfare

    d. Detention

    e. Behavioral Health

Using Data to Design a Test Guide

August 2024 ACI Learning Session Agenda